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  • crysfrant

Swing Project . Migramah and DNA

Updated: Aug 4, 2021

The symbolic weight of each part was important. Seeking its origin in the theory of creative process, beyond the aesthetic, a poetic way. The matriarch technique known for their strength of cultural code and perpetuation of collective belonging, rooted in the practice of symbols of everyday life, which for hundreds of years, people have created legacies of tradition in clothing and utility articles, brings a philosophy for the artist, where he appropriates the meaning of "everyday life" (“Cotidiano” in portuguese) - which comes from the Latin Cotidie or cotidianus, with the meaning of daily, the day to day and the ordinary. The aim of reflecting on the everyday is exactly seize the unusual on repeated daily acts.

The Swing is for Sale on the store Novo Ambiente in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro.

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